The default install of Boonex Dolphin has a Flash movie that plays a series of images. While linking the individual images within the Flash file requires additional scripting, you can easily link the entire Flash movie just by adding a standard HTML tag.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Open page_1.html page located in folder templates/tmpl_uni
2. It'll look something like this:
__include _header.html__
<div id="first_column">
<div id="second_column">
__include _footer.html__
The "__promo_code__" is what defines the placement of the Flash file.
You need to wrap "__promo_code__" like this:
<a href="">__promo_code__</a>
So when you're done, it looks like this:
__include _header.html__
<a href="">__promo_code__</a>
<div id="first_column">
<div id="second_column">
__include _footer.html__
3. Save and upload the file and refresh you page.