The version of Boonex Dolphin (Free or AdFree) actually refers to the version of Ray Widgets. Therefore in reality, the Ray Widgets are either Free or AdFree. The Ray Widgets include Boonex Video Player, Boonex AV Chat etc. Boonex Ray Widgets

Switching from Dolphin Free to AdFree version (or vice versa) actually involves changing the RAY files from Free to AdFree version. Basically, you need to manually download the required version of Dolphin and extract the RAY package from it. Boonex features

Here are the steps to switch RAY version...

Step-1) Under your Dolphin folder, replace the following folders and files......


......with those downloaded from the Dolphin AdFree / Free package. WIDGET_NAMEstands for the real name of the widgets you wish to replace and overwriting the existing files

For example:
replace ray/modules/board/app in your Free package with ray/modules/board/app from the Ad-Free package.

Step-2) Set the following permissions (via an FTP or SSH client):

chmod 777 ./ray/modules/board/files/ ./ray/modules/im/files/ ./ray/modules/mp3/files/ ./ray/modules/movie/files ./ray/modules/music/files ./ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe 

chmod 666 ./ray/modules/global/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/global/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/desk to p/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/desk to p/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/desk to p/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/shoutbox/xml/skins.xml 

Step-3) Enter into your Dolphin Admin Panel and register the Free / AdFree widgets in Plugins -> Ray Suite.    

Step-4) Please remember that if you replace Free Chat, IM, Boards and Video Recorder with their Ad-Free versions, you won't be able to use's Free RMS Server anymore. In that case, you will have to use GigaPros RMS Server.

Step-5) Clear the cache of your browser and test the widgets again.


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