Dedicated Server (DC-17) - Intel Core i7-3770 | 4-Core | 32GB RAM | 2x3 TB HDD | 1000Mbps Uplink | DC-17 | SKU-187

- Intel Core i7-3770 (CPU Score: 9391)
- 4 Core / 8 Threads
- 2 x 3 TB SATA Hard Disk
- 20TB Monthly Bandwidth
- 1000Mbps Network Uplink
- Free OS Reloads
- 1 IP Included Free
- Server located at Germany
- Server activation may take up to 1 to 2 business days
- FULLY MANAGED + No Hidden Fees
- Get this server for $99/mo (10% discount) when you choose Quarterly Billing Cycle option below

Choose Billing Cycle

White Label Support

Operating Systems

Control Panel / Application

FTP Backup On Remote Server

Premium Hacker Guard On your Dedicated Server