To test the basic functionality of your Red5 server, please use the following steps:
1) Go to http://YOUR_IP:5080/demos/ofla_demo.html (replace YOUR_IP with the actual Red5 server's IP that you received from us)
2) At the top-right corner of the screen, change the URL from rtmp://localhost/oflaDemo to rtmp://YOUR_IP/oflaDemo
3 ) Click on [connect] button below the URL box.
4) In the [library] section on the left side, select any of the movie names (like: DarkKnight.flv)
5) The selected movie will now play in the [video] section. If the movie plays, it means that your Red5 server is working fine (including the HTTP & RTMP ports)
NOTE: You will find more demos on your Red5 server at http://YOUR_IP:5080/demos/
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